Evidence – 2022

The Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base


Under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a pre-submission consultation period on the proposed Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan ran from 14th December 2020 to 5th February 2021.

A leaflet publicising the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan was delivered to all premises within the parish.

Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-Submission

Other Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan supporting documents can be accessed here:   

Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee

Stoke Golding Parish Council set up the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee to oversee the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. The group consists of both Parish Councillors and residents of Stoke Golding.

Minutes for the NPAC are on this website

Consultation and Engagement

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 require neighbourhood planning groups and local planning authorities to undertake publicity in a manner that is likely to bring it to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area at particular stages of the process. Below are details of the steps we have taken to engage the community and others in shaping the development of the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plan Timeline

The timeline for the Neighbourhood Plan activities is shown on this chart:

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Process

Following HBBC guidance –

Public Information Open Event

In October 2016 more than 100 people attended two public consultation events held in the Methodist Hall and Baxter Hall. The events were used to inform local people about the neighbourhood plan process and receive views and opinions on the key issues that the Neighbourhood Plan should address. Local businesses and groups were contacted in June 2016 to seek additional comments. The opinions of staff and pupils at the two local schools were sought during winter 2016.  Local landowners were consulted via Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council during the same period.

Drop-In Sessions in 2016

Household Survey

In March 2017, a questionnaire survey of local households and businesses was undertaken to identify the key issues that the neighbourhood plan needs to look at. It provided an opportunity for local people to have a further say about the future of their area. A total of 258 completed questionnaires were received. A survey of young people was also undertaken in 2017.

Open Event

On 25 January 2020, an open event was arranged to enable residents and key stakeholders the opportunity to comment on draft Neighbourhood Plan policies and proposals.

Plan Evidence

The Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Area

Stoke Golding was designated as a Neighbourhood Area on 15 June 2016. The Qualifying Body is Stoke Golding Parish Council.

National Planning Policy Framework

The revised National Planning Policy Framework was updated on 19 February 2019 and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.

The planning practice guidance to support the framework is published online:

The Local Plan

The relevant Development Plan for the area is the Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan which currently covers the period 2006-2026. For the purposes of this Neighbourhood Plan, the relevant parts of the Local Plan are:

Earlier Work on the Plan

Scoping work was undertaken from 2016:

Strategic Environmental Appraisal

SEA is a systematic process undertaken to evaluate the likely significant environmental effects of plans. A Screening Statement undertaken in March 2020 concluded that the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan is subject to the requirements of Directive 2001/42/EC, the ‘SEA Directive’ and accompanying regulations.


The following supported the proposal for required housing:

The process for assessing the housing allocation was defined in advance:

The identification of potential development sites used the following:

The next step was to determine the criteria for evaluating sites.

Additional information to support evaluation:

Evaluation and ranking:

Due diligence on sites:


Heritage and Design

Local Green Spaces

The NPAC has identified one site and is now seeking approval for a Local Green Space (LGS) designation. Candidate sites for designation were identified and downselected according to the process described in the discussion paper below.

Discussion Paper on Local Green Spaces

The LGS designation form for the Zion Baptist Chapel allotments is available separately on request from the Parish Clerk: clerk.stokegoldingpc@gmail.com

Services and Facilities

Traffic and Transport


Reviews of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan

HBBC undertook an informal review of the first working draft of the Neighbourhood Plan


The Examination