Following the referendum in March 2022, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC) ‘made’ the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan (hereafter called the ‘Plan’) part of the Development Plan for the area. However, changes in national and local planning policies need to be included to make the Plan current. Delays in the preparation of the new HBBC Local Plan have also raised concerns about the protection offered by the current Neighbourhood Plan.
Related documents
Neighbourhood Plan Review: Submission Draft (Sept 2023)
Neighbourhood Plan Review – Basic Condition Statement (Sept 2023)
Neighbourhood Plan Review Consultation Statement (Sept 2023)
Letter to HBBC – Reg 15 (Sept 2023)
Communications Plan for Regulation 14 (Revised Neighbourhood Plan)
Summary of the Key Revisions to the Plan
Neighbourhood Plan Review: Pre-Submission Draft (April 2023)
Stoke Golding Screening Statement
Local Green Space Toolkit – Stoke Road
Local Green Space Toolkit – Land south of Station Road